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Presentation Hero Master Class
My welcome and some important instructions
Who is teaching this?
What you will learn with this course! (2:30)
Presentation Structure
Lesson 1 - Know your audience (6:43)
Lesson 2 - Tell your audience who you are (2:14)
Lesson 3 - Tell your audience why you are there (2:42)
Lesson 4 - Tell your audience why they’re there (1:54)
Lesson 5 - Transform your audience (3:57)
Lesson 6 - Everyone reacts differently (5:04)
Lesson 7- Mark the most important moment (3:34)
Lesson 8 - Provide a summary (2:35)
Lesson 9 - Provide actionable to-dos (2:51)
Lesson 10 - Know your material (2:30)
Module Downloads
Presentation Design
Lesson 1 - Step away from your computer (1:34)
Lesson 2 - Structure will help you design (2:36)
Lesson 3 - The slide (2:36)
Lesson 4 - Slides or no slides (1:39)
Lesson 5 - One concept per slide (1:57)
Lesson 6 - Sketch your slides (1:34)
Lesson 7 - Start with your text (1:28)
Lesson 8 - Design for your audience (1:54)
Lesson 9 - Know your output format (3:47)
Lesson 10 - Get inspired (2:21)
Lesson 11 - Know your color palette (4:40)
Lesson 12 - Know your typography (4:21)
Lesson 13 - Layouts (2:07)
Lesson 14 - Compiling the presentation (1:40)
Lesson 15 - Editing means cutting (1:11)
Lesson 16 - Time your presentation (0:59)
Lesson 17 - There are no rules (3:19)
Module Downloads
Presentation Delivery
Lesson 1 - Always Rehearse (2:09)
Lesson 2 - Master the language (1:32)
Lesson 3 - Memorize the structure (1:43)
Lesson 4 - Never go over time (1:47)
Lesson 5 - Project your voice (1:29)
Lessons 6 - Be a presence on stage (1:40)
Lesson 7 - Dress for the stage (0:59)
Lesson 8 - Check your tech (2:00)
Lesson 9 - Always record your presentations (1:33)
Lesson 10 - Embrace your fear (1:56)
Lesson 11 - The show must go on (1:48)
Lesson 12 - Be yourself (3:05)
Module Downloads
Bonus content: The most influential speeches in history
Ronald Reagan - Tear down this wall!
Patrick Henry - Give me liberty or give me death
Frederick Douglass - The hypocrisy of American slavery
Abraham Lincoln - The Gettysburg address
Susan B. Anthony - On women's right to vote
Winston Churchill - Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat
George C. Marshall - The Marshall plan
John F. Kennedy - Inaugural address
Lyndon B. Johnson - The American promise
Martin Luther King Jr. - I have a dream
General Douglas MacArthur - “Duty, Honor, Country”
Bonus content: What not to say!
1. I'm very nervous/unprepared
2. The _________ is not working
3. You probably can't read this
4. Let me read this aloud
5. If now I could have your undivided attention
6. I don't have time for this slide
7. Do I have any time left?
8. No need to take notes, I'll make this presentation available via Slideshare
9. I'm sorry but I can't see you from here
10. Feel free to interrupt me at any time
11. Let me see if the laser pointer works
12. Obviously
13. Uhm. Ah. Well. You know. Like... and all other filler words and sounds
14. Concluding... (and then continuing to speak for a long time)
15. Are there any questions? No. Great.
Bonus content: Dealing with technology
How to connect a laptop to a projector like a pro
Your opinion counts!
Lesson 12 - Know your typography
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