What you will learn with this course!
This course is comprised of the Presentation Structure, Presentation Design, Presentation Delivery modules plus many more upcoming modules and it additionally includes extra bonus content.
In the Structure Module I will provide you with a powerful, flexible, universal blueprint to structure any type of presentation. I have borrowed the principles behind the next 10 lessons from story experts. The advice I will give you comes straight from theater, movies and ads. But it's not abstract! In fact this is a set of practical steps: these steps will help you structure your thoughts and think about your presentation strategically in a new way.
In the Design Module I will provide you with a process to go from idea to finished presentation. You will learn how to strategize your design, how to get inspired, how to handle colors, fonts and layouts and how to create the final presentation in your favorite slide design software. All of this is packed inside 17 fast paced lessons.
The Presentation Delivery is comprised of practical tips and techniques. In this module you will learn how to deliver a presentation using your own style, being authentic and avoiding the worst mistakes of public speakers.
You - as an early adopter - can influence the direction this course is going to take. It's you that will decide what is the next module after Presentation Delivery. Some ideas that are currently on my mind include:
- Advanced Structure: learn the theory behind the Hero's Journey and how to apply it to presentations;
- Presentation Hero for Sales: some presentations are different, learn how to apply Presentation Hero to the sales conversation;
- Hands on Design: let's combine theory and practice and inspire one another to create better designed slides.
The extras included are:
- How to connect a laptop to a projector while looking like a pro
- 15 things you should (really) stop saying during presentations.